Third wine of Muñana Wineries, very special and original because of the variety of grape used: 100% Petit Verdot. The reason for making this wine is because the climate of the highlands of Sierra Nevada is especially good for the maturity of this variety, which usually has a long cycle.
The wine Muñana Petit Verdot is the third wine of Muñana Wineries, it is a red wine. This wine of Granada is monovarietal, and it is elaborated with the grape Petit Verdot.
Of all the wines in the Muñana range we can say that this is their most special and sophisticated wine because it is a monovarietal of Petit Verdot, a variety that gives us herbaceous aromas (freshly cut grass), being tannic and powerful, which makes it the best wine to accompany spicy foods and with a lot of flavour, as the wine will stay on top.
Remember that the more tannins wines have, the healthier they are since they will carry more resveratol.
Tell this when you serve it: The ageing of the wines is totally natural, starting from the fact that it is carried out in natural clay caves located in the interior of the mountains, within the lands of the Sierra Nevada plateau. To this we must add that the water used for irrigation belongs to the 2 lakes where the waters of the Sierra Nevada thaw flow. All this makes that so much temperature, humidity and water create the microclimate and the perfect conditions to give shape to the wines.
VT Altiplano of Sierra Nevada
- Provincia
- Granada
- Tipo de Vino
- Tinto
- Variedad
- Petit Verdot 100%
- Denominación de Origen
- IGP Altiplano de Sierra Nevada
- Maridaje
- 750ml
- Añada
- 2010
- Pairing - Moments
- Dinner for 4
- Pairing - People
- “The central core”
- Pairing - Music
- Enrique Morente